Juniper (Japanese Garden (Dwarf))

Japanese Garden (Dwarf): 3 Gallon Pot3 Gallon Pot

3 Gallon Pot
$ 36.99

Product Details

DescriptionBlooming TimeFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone

3 Gallon Pot Japanese Garden (Dwarf) Low-growing, creeping groundcover forming a dense mat of blue-green foliage that nicely fits the contour of the ground or rocks around it. Tolerates adverse conditions.

Current plant height 30 cm / 12"

3 Gallon PotJapanese Garden (Dwarf) Insignificant

3 Gallon PotJapanese Garden (Dwarf) Insignificant

3 Gallon PotJapanese Garden (Dwarf) 6" / 15cm

3 Gallon PotJapanese Garden (Dwarf) Full sun

3 Gallon PotJapanese Garden (Dwarf) Moist

3 Gallon PotJapanese Garden (Dwarf) 6' / 1.8m

3 Gallon PotJapanese Garden (Dwarf) 2
